Watch MTV The Buried Life - Interview on Million Dollar Las Vegas Finale Video

[postlink][/postlink] [starttext] What do you want to do before you die? That's the question Duncan, Jonnie, Ben, and Dave ask themselves everyday. What started as a casual pastime between friends has now become a hit TV show on MTV called, "The Buried Life." Every week these boys accomplish one thing off their bucket list and help an individual in a local community achieve their one dying wish. Seem a bit morbid for teenage viewing? Not in the least bit. With their drive to embrace life, challenge human limitation, and be altruistic, the "Buried Boys" have crafted a uniquely inspiring show fully within their creative direction that encourages a "can-do" attitude in the face of adversity but minus the corny optimistic undertones. Carbonated.TV's Claudette Rogers sat down with the boys exclusively and got some inside scoop on the finale airing Monday November 29th on MTV and their Christmas plans. In this week's episode, all the boys disband and go their separate ways in an attempt to make a million bucks. They then rejoin with their financial gains in hand and attempt the biggest Roulette spin in Vegas history. Is Lady Luck on their side or is it fittingly a death spin? We know these crazy Canadian cats have drafted a pretty wicked bucket list, but do they have Christmas wish lists? Carbonated.TV not only got the low down on what they wanted but was able to grant one Buried boy his Christmas wish right in the middle of our interview. You'll have to check out the video to see how <b>...</b>
Time:03:18More inEntertainment



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