Watch "MTV" Commercials (July 1st, 1987) Video

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July 1st, 1987 Commercials/Promos Include... * MTV Bumper (Hippie) * MTV's "Hip Clip of the Week" Promo (World Party, Cutting Crew, Whitesnake) * Bubble Yum * Morey Boogie Boards * 7up * Seagram's * MTV "Beach Bash" * "Revenge of the Nerds 2: Nerds In Paradise" (Movie Trailer) * MTV Bumper * Neet * Levi's 501 * "Summer School" (Movie Trailer) * MTV "More Music Now" * MTV Bumper (Wubba Wubba Wubba) * RAD (Rock Against Drugs) * "Full Metal Jacket" (Movie Trailer) * MTV Bumper * 7up * Time Magazine * TV Guide * "The All-Niter" (Music CD) * MTV Bumper (((( All Copyrights Acknowledged / No Copyright Infringement Is Intended ))))
Time:14:12More inEntertainment



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